Tuesday. . .
I left on time that morning in order to get to my class, intending to leave it at 11am to go to a "rendez-vous" with the Sorbonne License administration department. This is basically the enrolment department for Undergraduates. However, I was very clever and I got so engrossed in my French class that I completely forgot that I should have left at 11am! By the way, my classes take place just round the corner from the Pantheon!
I walked out of my lesson at the normal finishing time and met Holly on the way home as she was heading to her own class. She had had her own problems with the registration and hadn't been able to do it either. So I wandered around the Sorbonne buildings for nearly an hour trying to work out where I should have gone. I struggled with trying to convey to Non-English speaking officials around the place that I didn't know what I was doing or where. Nobody could help me! I ended up leaving the place in a right huff because I couldn't understand anyone's instructions and nobody could help me until 2 hours later because all offices had closed for lunch!
I went back and bought my diary though, from the little stationary shop. The day wasn't entirely wasted :o)
The rest of the day was a bit boring so not worth mentionning.
The rest of the day was a bit boring so not worth mentionning.
Wednesday. . .
We both got up extra early so we could try and enrol together before my class but I took so long to get ready that we only just got there in time for me to be a few minutes early for my class. I actually DID remember to leave at 11am today (Because I am planning on doing a mixture of modules from different teaching levels, I was told to get both a License appointment and a Masters one.) Well, I'd missed the License one yesterday, so I went to my Masters appointment.
This is the SHORT story: I queued for 20 minutes outside a room on the off chance alone that I was in the right place. I told the man at the door what I was there for and he showed me into the room. He gestured for me to head for a young man at a desk, so I did and I sat down and gave him my incomplete dossier. Now, for the record, from the moment I stepped through that door until I saw Holly later on, I spoke French ONLY (not a word of English passed my lips from 11am until 4:30pm!)
Anyways, I spent about 40 minutes trying to explain to this guy and the woman next to him that I had been given permission to do 1 Masters module with a few License modules, despite only being in my 2nd year of University studies in England. They disputed it back and forth for a LONG time before the woman called someone else, who eventually confirmed what I had said to them in the first place! After all this fuss, the young man trying to deal with my enrolment told me to go somewhere in the building; when I looked at him non-plussed he led me to the right room and told me who else to speak to. After that it took me a mere 15 minutes more before I found myself completely enrolled as a Sorbonne Masters student, card and all!
Having finally managed to do what I thought was going to be an impossible task, I treated myself to lunch at the same open air café opposite the Sorbonne that Holly and I had eaten in beforehand. I actually sat and ate lunch, by myself and it was AMAZING! Here, sitting anywhere by yourself isn't considered loner activity, it's artistic and classy and everyone does it! I hate doing anything by myself, as most of you know, which is why I am extremely proud of myself for conquering this! I had half of a huge pizza (brought the rest home to have for dinner) and then I relaxed for a while with a cup of hot chocolate, watching the world go by. . .
Today, I am strongly wishing I'd gone to bed earlier! I woke up with the feeling that I had swallowed a bag of razors and I found it very difficult to get out of bed. I now have a horrendous cold. I feel like poo. I look like poo. And worst of all, I can't sleep it off :o( I tried to have a rest this afternoon because I was feeling run down and exhausted, but I couldn't do more than doze. My sore throat is impelling me to cough every 3/4 seconds and after doing that all day, you can imagine what the cough now sounds like! So, I think I should probably get to bed soon; will try to get some decent kip!
Thank God tomorrow is Friday! xxxx
P.S. did I mention that yesterday the police did a raid of some kind at a little shop down our road? ;o) Dunno what it was all about, probably not anything serious, but it's fun to imagine!
Hellooooooo Officer! ;op
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