Sunday 16 September 2007

Oranges ARE Lemons.

Sorry about lack of posting.

I've been unable to shift this nasty cold so far. Have been doing all the right things! Been popping paracetamol like it's going out of fashion, drinking loads (although primarily Diet Coke because I hate water), and the other day I bought a whole load of oranges to inject some serious Vitamin C into my system, but. . .well. . . They're sour. I need to wait for them to ripen, methinks, before I try ingesting the masquerading lemons again! Perhaps by that time, my cold will have disappeared. C'est la vie.

I've been getting some writing under my belt today. I've started a notebook (with a pig on :op) just for scrawling rough notes and stories and ideas in. It's VERY raw and VERY rough, but I'm enjoying just letting my pen do the walking so to speak! Complete load of nonsense, but I already feel like I've taken a load off my mind. Tis quite relaxing :o)

Anyways, I'm going to go watch Bridget Jones with Holly now and make my bed. I did laundry today :o) Be proud all!

Tootles! xxxx


Lizzy said...

Aww Amy! Hope you feel better soon :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Best way to get rid of that cold is to sweat it out. Oranges are fruit and are designed for throwing.