Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Cocktails at Arts et Metiers!

Today was a bit of a slow, tiring day. Still not feeling totally better, but thought a good walk would do me good, so have not used the Metro at all!

On the way to my class this morning there was a lot of commotion in the roads: I saw three separate processions of police officers, two of these were car/van/motorbike speeding chases (although I couldn't see what they were after). The 3rd procession, was of a distinctly different nature:

It was quite amazing to see! There must have been loads of horses!

On the way home, I walked all over the place exploring the area around the Sorbonne and found a different bridge to take on the way back home, which involved a lovely long walk along the river.

This evening, Holly and I took Mel to a café to introduce her to the Parisian way of life in a pleasantly caffeine/alcohol related way :o) We treated ourselves to scrummy puddings and drinks before heading home again.

Mel was impressed with the chunk of Starfruit attached to her cocktail glass :op

Holly was impressed with. . . erm. . . I dunno! (Pssst, I don't know her really! Hehehehe!) xxxx

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